In a world of updates, we must be just a button away from sharing. This is the essence behind the latest HTC ChaCha with HTC Sense recently released in the market. The phone's product focus is around providing users with the most direct connection to their Facebook social network. Update your status, share a picture, video and chat with your friends faster than loading an app or even searching for it. Located at the bottom right corner of the ChaCha phone, the Facebook button will be enticing your finger to frequently add social treats and staying up to date on what is happening in your network.
Image Courtesy of HTC
The HTC ChaCha has an Android 2.4 OS underneath and to further enhance your social experience, the Sense has been customized with a few extra perks. The Facebook blue button is context-aware so whenever there is an opportunity to share something, the light surrounding it will let you know. Need to check in? No problem. Keep the Facebook''f'' key pressed to automatically check in. Easy sharing. Easy being social.
Image Courtesy of HTC
One of the best features of the phone is its QWERTY keyboard. It is easy to type as fast as any teenager in the world and avoid the clunky fingers from pressing the two letters to the right. Nothing beats this keyboard for speed and efficiency while typing. So email, text, chat and update your life faster than speaking. The screen is 480 x 320 which should provide a nice pixel display on this 2.6 - inch screen.
Image Courtesy of HTC
Image Courtesy of HTC
Not only is this Facebook-centric phone going to simplify your social behavior but the Sense also provides you with an array of features if Facebook is not your primary use. The Sense allows you to organize your calls, messages and updates by people and not applications. It also allows you to see your friend's social streams (Flickr, Facebook updates, and Tweets) on the same screen. Inquisitive or confused about something you are reading? Tap and hold and the Sense will take you to Wikipedia, Google, Youtube or the dictionary to further explore your search. Finally a phone working for you and helping you manage and organize your network.