Yatzer just discovered a magic book that mixes in the most unpredictable way graphics, text and photography, giving you the impression that you can actually submerge into the story. Pages are playfully deconstructed, secret paths lead you to printed surprises, faces appear where you don’t expect it and everything has a touch of magic that connects you with your inner child. All of this is a result of the amazing work of talented Spanish designer Alberto Hernández that just finished his MA Graphic Design at London College of Communication and is already exploring his obsession with hybrid novels. Let’s take a closer look.
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
A hybrid novel, according to Alberto Hernández, can be seen as a hybrid image-text novel, not a children’s book, graphic novel/comic or gift book, but a book where written text and graphic devices such as illustration, photography, information graphics or typographic treatments may interject in order to hold a readers’ interest. This combination adds interactiveness to the book and also gives the printed page a multidimensional visual surface. A hybrid novel is a kind of book that requires the readers’ actions and also to be handled and experienced. This remediation of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde tries, by adding playful graphic devices to the original novel, to engage readers in a more dynamic narrative experience and help them at the same time to understand the story more easily. The results leave no space for doubts. We simply say YES and can’t wait reading Hernández’s next novel interpretation: Yatzer in Wonderland maybe?
Discover some spreads from the novel through the images that follow //
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Image Courtesy of Alberto Hernández
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde // a hybrid novel by Alberto Hernández