Kiehl’s tote bag, photo @ Costas Voyatzis for
You surely all remember Kiehl’s welcoming Yatzer to their ''inaugural celebration in Greece'', which took place in Athens, on Thanksgiving Day, 2010. The affection I was surrounded with, the optimism of the people who work quietly with the purpose of giving a new meaning to the idea of beauty, and undeniably the quality of the cosmetic products under the world renowned brand, unfailingly grabbed my attention! One thing is for granted: they keep sustaining it…
Time and again, designers and bloggers worldwide have joined their artistic forces, and for the first time Kiehl's Greece has commissioned the redesigning of their individual version of the popular Kiehl’s tote bag. My talented friend and celebrated jewellery designer Elena Syraka, proposed to me to be her ''design partner” and without a second thought I accepted her offer. Consequently, we will publicly present to you our creation next week... till then I will try to explain what the Kiehl’sinitiative is all about.
Kiehl’s tote bag, photo @ Costas Voyatzis for
Detail of the redesigned Kiehl’s tote bag by Elena Syraka and Costas Voyatzis, photo @ Costas Voyatzis for
The idea lying behind it is that for every single version of the bags which will be redesigned, Kiehl's Greece offers €100 that will be granted for the creation of an Ecological Art Workshop for children who live in the districts of Ceramikos – Metaxourgio in Athens, Greece. Eco Art Workshop is held in cooperation with the N.G.O ''Greece Clean'', and welcomes children to create art with recyclable materials, thus developing an ecological consciousness and living this experience through a pleasant educational method. Eco Art is an integration of art and recycling. It constitutes the means for the presentation of propositions on the following subjects: nature, everyday life in civil societies and art. Consequently, a new dimension of life to already used objects is being shaped. Paper, newspapers, beverage cans, plastic cups, and plastic bottles are combined with a vision to create unique art pieces, mocking up our “obsession” of consumption and promoting the idea of recycling. Kiehl's workshop will take place at Rebecca Camhi Gallery.
Additionally we have an in store surprise for you; you can win your favorite bag! Come to ATTICA (Panepistimiou 9, Athens) between May 26 and June 2 to be photographed at the Kiehl’s stand, and your Polaroid snap with your details will be entered into the prize draw for your favorite bag! The prize draw will be held at Kiehl’s in ATTICA on June 2 at 6 - 8pm. Be there to claim your very own Kiehl’s designer tote bag!
Detail of the redesigned Kiehl’s tote bag by Elena Syraka and Costas Voyatzis, photo @ Costas Voyatzis for
Before I proceed to any revelation about our redesign, I’d love to test your patience, explaining myself more thoroughly. Elena and I have been inspired by the plane that is already printed on the bag and after a brain storming on planes and flights we reached our concept. Imagine yourself desiring to travel to a faraway place, holding a bag and getting ready for the security check in. The scanner can totally see through everything inside the bag, before letting you travel.....I cannot tell you anything more than that our symbolic demonstration, summarized in the motto ''for a refuel land at Kiehl’s'' is about surrendering and speeding up to ''the kernel of beauty'', with a perspective to discover new worlds.
Holding our bag there is no reason for security check... because your "beauty secrets" are transparent... tbc.
Detail of the redesigned Kiehl’s tote bag by Elena Syraka and Costas Voyatzis, photo @ Costas Voyatzis for
Elena Syraka, Yatzer and Kiehl's Greece join forces