print screen from (16 November 2009)
Guest Contribution by Anna Foskolou
New kid on the designer block? Fear not, Open :Output has got your back!
The Amsterdam-based :Output Foundation set out on a new mission; to save young talents and their promising projects from disappearing into oblivion after being presented in heartbreakingly small college audiences. Students attending the best design and architecture schools around the globe are given the unique opportunity to promote their work for free by building their own portfolio website, and, consequently, to catch the eye of the ever increasing number of visitors the Open :Output Platform attracts, which includes professionals, potential employers, professors, as well as fellow students. There is really no hidden catch, just genuine interest towards young and creative people venturing on the magic realm of design, armed solely with their passion and dreams, a notion more than a few can relate to.
print screen from (16 November 2009)
"stanley - the open question magazine" by Katrin Schacke
This online community, the admirable offspring of the :Output organisation, acts as a constant source of inspiration and information, an essential guide for the design lovers, packed with numerous groundbreaking ideas that offer a glimpse to the future of design. Though currently on beta stage, the Open :Output platform already hosts more than 1,000 projects and the numbers keep growing by the day, aiming ultimately to the creation of the largest pool for innovative work from universities and colleges in different creative sectors worldwide.
print screen from (16 November 2009)
print screen from (16 November 2009)
Apart from running the platform, the :Output Foundation has introduced the :Output Award, the biggest competition for students in the fields of design and architecture. More than 1,000 students from more than 30 countries annually submit their top projects to the competition. A jury of internationally esteemed designers and professors makes a selection which is published in the :Output Yearbook (distributed by VERLAG HERMANN SCHMIDT MAINZ, also available at AMAZON). The winner of the :Output Competition is honoured with the :Output Grand Prix which includes a scholarship of 3,000 €. The projects included in the yearbook are featured in the Open :Output Platform six months after their publication. But the surprises don’t end here. The Open :Output community invites, monthly, a renowned university to present a “feature school” show, or asks students from one particular school to make their selection of brilliant projects, the so-called “student choice” show.
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It goes without saying that the members of the :Output Foundation have put their heart and soul to this cause, and the Open :Output is a direct reflection of their generous and remarkable effort. And maybe this is exactly the boost the design community needs.
So, if you are a design or architecture student, ready to show the world what you’re made of, don’t hesitate. Sign up and create your portfoliohere!
print screen from (16 November 2009)