Why end up cutting articles from newspapers, save Webpage’s on your desktop or collect pamphlets from exhibitions when someone could do it for you?
The Greek Culture Yearbook has been doing that for the consecutive past four years! It has collected and compiled all the controversial productions, key exhibitions, box-office successes and award-winning publications and films – everything that a lover of the arts should know. Within the 12-month period of the year the Greek Culture Yearbook and Highlights magazine records and evaluates the most significant events.
/// highlight /// something (as an event or detail) that is of major significance or special interest.
Once the highlights have been carefully recorded and evaluated, well-reputed journalists and critics analyze the “highlight” in the Yearbook aiming to stimulate discussions on culture and the arts. Primarily they try to interfere in the Greek cultural scene in a significant way, as they contribute to the development of culture through creative discussions.
The Greek Culture Yearbook 08>09 is available in a bilingual volume (Greek and English), providing Greek speakers and foreigners who live in Greece or abroad with the opportunity to follow up on Greek cultural developments.
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
the new entrance to the Hotel Westin (formerly the Nausica) /// page 16-17 A project by Rena Sakellaridou and Morpho Papanikolaou whose successful blending of old and new was singled out for praise at the first Word Architecture Festival in Barcelona
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
Quasi Stellar Dance Company, Electric Girl, Apostolia Papadamak /// page 291 photo: Adonis Katrakazis
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
Quasi Stellar Dance Company, Electric Girl, Apostolia Papadamak /// page 291 photo: Adonis Katrakazis
Athens by Sound, the title of the Greek participation in the Venice Biennale, 2008 /// page 24-25
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
Elias Kafouros, All and everything, K-art /// page 158-159
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
Pavlos Fysakis, from exhibitions at the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography /// page 178-179
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135
" Having studied the Yearbook vigilantly, I find it an invaluable asset to any professional or any art and culture lover who wants to remember and reference to what left its mark in the arts the past year! Truly, an excellent reference tool. "Costas Voyatzis
Savvas Georgiadis, Ι, the Athens Gallery /// page 134-135