Are all you skaters ready for a half-pipe with this brand new ceramic skateboard? Claymate, the ceramic skateboard was originally designed for the "7ply Project", which was organized by Propaganda Rolling Co, in April 2010. The designers behind this product are no other than “Greece is for Lovers” design studio. We’ve seen their work before here on Yatzer, but every time they startle us with their surprising designs which are inspired by the stereotypical perception of what it is to be “Greek.” Their designs make a strong statement of what the behavioral patterns and the habitual activities of the Greeks of the past and the present are.
photo (c) Nikos Alexopoulos
"Beware of Greeks, bearing no gifts, fully clad in Claymates, playing dirty tricks", Greece is for Lovers
photo (c) Nikos Alexopoulos
Claymate, combines the pottery of ancient Greece, hence we shall not forget that is a large part of the archaeological record of Ancient Greece, and because there is so much of it, it is a symbol of understanding Greek society and the arts. This handmade skateboard is made of the firey reddish-orange clay which is usually found in clay beds around Athens, the capital of Greece. The skateboard griptape is presented in black while a white meander border is formed on the edge with this labyrinth-like motif.
So get yourself ready and make the most of Claymate! After all a design with strong cultural elements and traditional products is what these designers bring before our eyes! Enjoy Greece, enjoy love, because GREECE IS FOR LOVERS !