Excavation is best known and most commonly used within the science of archaeology. In this sense it is the exposure, processing and recording of archaeological remains. But the term may be also used for an example of the application of the technique to the study of a given site. In this sense, an excavation may occasionally be referred to as a "dig" by those who participate, this being a concise, if oversimplified description of the process. Such a site excavation relates with a precise archaeological site or a connected series of sites, and may be performed over as little as several weeks to over a number of years. However in this case, ''Excavations'' will be premiering at Design Basel 2011, and showcasing a unique collection of treasures dug up from the corners of De Intuitiefabriek (The Intuition Factory). imagination!
photo Courtesy of De Intuitiefabriek
photo Courtesy of De Intuitiefabriek
The collective De Intuitiefabriek (The Intuition Factory) consists of four female designers Amba Molly, Carolina Wilcke, Eefiene Bolhuis and Eva Gevaert who recently graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven. During the course of their studies the group of four noticed a connection in their intuitive way of working and their use of material. As a collective, the members of De Intuitiefabriek now focus on tableware; by combining their individual work a new world full of perspectives and insight appears. A world where imagination has no limits, yet, De Intuitiefabriek found the ‘borders’ to their ‘site’ and dug up treasures from their imagination!
photo Courtesy of De Intuitiefabriek
photo Courtesy of De Intuitiefabriek
photo Courtesy of De Intuitiefabriek
As seen in archaeological excavations the development of excavation techniques has evolved over the years from a treasure hunting process to one which seeks to effectively understand the progression of human activity on a given site and that site's relationship with other sites and with the landscape in which it is set. The artifacts found on the site reveal a glimpse of the human activity, the culture, the people, the society and their civilization. All this acted as the backdrop for De Intuitiefabriek to create objects and an installation with items which would base their design on the given facts. The items designed vary from hand tools to vessels, and from brushes to spoons; each unique and handmade; each narrating a story about the findings which have been stupendously crafted. Put together in a fine crafted cabinet they are the artifacts from De Intuitiefabriek. ''Excavations'' with be shown for the first time at Design Basel by Gallery Priveekollektie.