It is officially summer and time away from the hectic lifestyle of work in the city seems to be a must in everyone's list. Whether it is spending time in Central Park, Washington Square, the Hamptons or Governors Island for the VeuveClicquotPoloClassic, the city comes together in the spirit of leisure and socializing in a beautiful New York City summer day. This past Sunday (27 June 2010) the weather was humid, hot and perfect for a day of polo, VeuveClicquot, Ferrari and friends.
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
Thousands gather in the early morning at the VeseyPier to pick up their tickets and board one of many VIPFerries that facilitate your journey onto Governor's Island, a 172 acre island approximately one half mile from the southern tip of Manhattan Island. As we slowly move towards the events we get a beautiful view of the lower Manhattan skyline and the Brooklyn Bridge. It is a stunning view from the water and you can feel the pressure exiting your body as the Lower Manhattan gets further from you. The distance forces you to enjoy your escape. Onboard the ferry, you cannot help but notice the many different hats women are showing off as well as the careful consideration by the men to put together an outfit for this incredible event. You really see it all, from summer dresses, linen pants, loafers, plenty of sunglasses and plenty of beautiful people make their way to private trolleys that transport us to the event's entrance. As we move forward towards the entrance we pass by the press area were hundreds gather to get a snapshot of celebrities and royalty as Prince Harry was there to lead one polo team and Nacho Figueras the other.
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
We enter the event in quite an impressive path, a promenade of cacao shells that embrace you with its scent and lead you to people serving you champaign while you make it to the booth to pick up your picnic basket. From here on is simply a treat to be there with your friends and meeting new friends as you indulge in champaign and walk around to see and be seen. You cannot help but to greet and meet as people compliment each other's fashion efforts and unique accessories.
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
Images Courtesy of Veuve Clicquot
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
Yatzer got to spend the time under a nice umbrella and shared it with new friends while we watched the exciting game which went into overtime as PrinceHarry looses 6-5 to NachoFigueras team at the third Veuve ClicquotPoloClassic. A disappointing loss for Harry but a great turn out for his charity game dedicated to children victimized by AIDS in the African nation of Lesotho.
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
Prince Harry in action // Image Courtesy of Veuve Clicquot
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
A home away from home, Yatzer in New York City is always exciting and full of adventure. From dining at Jean Georges MercerKitchen and accommodations at TheMercer Hotel in SOHO, we got to enjoy a bit of shopping, plenty of futbol from the World Cup and some polo with VeuveClicquot, what else can you ask for! Perhaps a little of The Hamptons later in August, we will see.
photo (c) Ricardo Hernandez for Yatzer
Ricardo Mansur & Nacho Figueras with the Trophy // Image Courtesy of Veuve Clicquot
Prince Harry with Stephane Baschiera & Sabina Belli // Image Courtesy of Veuve Clicquot