Stone Designs was born out of the restless desire of its two creators (Eva Perez Rego 1974, Cutu Mazuelos 1973) to offer products that come straight from the heart, going beyond questions of technical limitations or the latest tendencies. Eva and Cutu consider the pieces in their collection as extensions of themselves in their purest state without censorship or filters, expressions of their way of understanding life and how we relate to our surroundings.
Their personalities are present in everything they do: their restlessness, their yearnings, their fears and passions, their love of nature, and their desire to reflect all this in their products. Six years ago they edited their fist catalogue, and now, their new catalogue offers the best pieces of these years.
If you can see that behind the selection of pieces grouped in this catalogue (pdf) there is much more than simply design, then you will have entered into the world of Stone Designs.