V.O.W N°17 (Video Of the Week, 25 April - 1 May 2011)
TheAndesHouse® is a design firm that works with Material and Identity in order to create architectural products and projects since 2006. One of their most recognized projects is made in MIMBRE®, where they have designed a line of products in mimbre, generating works together with the artisans and the community of Chimbarango, Chile. TheAndesHouse® develops lines of furniture, lighting, accessories, architectural products and they also have a department focused on projects in architecture and design that can manage both the design and manufacturing processes. Given these multiple pursuits, the firm employs a team of designers as well of a team of architects, focused on the development of products and projects. We discovered TheAndesHouse® during this year's Salone Satellite in Milan and we invite you to learn all the secrets behind this project through a micro documentary which was recently filmed by Chilean filmmakerJoaquin Mora in the cities of Santiago de Chile and Chimbarongo.
A film by Joaquin Mora Cameramen: Claudio Labrín, Andres Jordan, Rodrigo Astaburuaga & Joaquín Mora Music and Audio Post: Claudio Perez (Fontana Music) Editing by Martin Nuñez
video screen shot
Lampara C designed by Cristián Domínguez for made in MIMBRE