La Mamba Studio, a study of six young designers from different countries who currently resides in Valencia, are hidden behind the art direction of "Minai", a new outdoor furniture company which was launched during Valencia Disseny Week 2010 ; a live example of the joint-venture designer-industry. A powerful tandem if it consolidates good communication and working processes together for achieving a definite goal. Broadly, the project was in the beginning the expansion of product offering from a company experienced in textile production, through the incorporation of design culture, which leads step by step towards the integration of suppliers for the production of outdoor furniture.
Image Courtesy of La Mamba studio
Tradition and experience are the best tools, as they focus on design and product development and search for simple support elements, basing them on maximizing use of the cushion. As a whole it is a priority in designing new applications and opportunities that have shaped textile industrial strength, becoming the major strategic factor. The product lines are built using basic metal structures, defined for the use of cushions made with high quality textile materials suitable for outdoor use.
Image Courtesy of La Mamba studio
Image Courtesy of La Mamba studio
"Minai Experience" redefines the concept of furniture, abstracting from the mere functionality in search of sensations and experiences. By viewing scenarios and customer needs, Minai is oriented towards the development of new products in anticipation of new forms and attitudes of resting and relaxing. A formal exploration, coupled with the perfect combination of materials, in order to satisfy the user by experimenting with new patterns and possibilities.