Despite the crisis, Adris Group has had a successful business year-2008, so they wanted to show it off with their annual report.
During difficult times, only good ideas can light up the path out of the crisis. Ideas are energy! They emerge in a moment and spread at the speed of thoughts and people channel them. Ideas are passed on from person to person until their radiance becomes powerful enough to light up the future.

Adris Group has more than 3000 such lights - its employees. Each one of them can come up with an idea that can make the world better, but it is only when they all come together with a single goal that the power of their ideas becomes capable of shattering the darkness. That is why this book glows in the dark – it is charged with over 3000 good ideas!

Creative team:
Creative Directors: Bruketa&ŽiniÄOM / Davor Bruketa, Nikola ŽiniÄ
Copywriter: Daniel VukoviÄ, Ivan Äadež
Art Director:Tomislav Jurica KaÄuniÄ
Designer: Igor MiletiÄ
DTP: Radovan RadiÄeviÄ
Account Director: Ivanka MabiÄ
publisher/ Adris Group d.d.
editor/ Predrag D. GrubiÄ
executive editor/ Kristina DamijaniÄ
text / Hrvoje Patajac
printed by /Cerovski Print-Boutique

About Adris Group d.d.
Adris Group d.d. is made up of two strategic business units: tobacco and tourism. The decision on its establishment was accepted at the Stockholders Meeting of Tvornica duhana Rovinj, held on 24 December 2003.
The goal of Adris Group, as a corporate centre, is to coordinate operations, management, investment and development of the entire system.
Even though the company is relatively new, Adris Group d.d. evolved on the foundations of 132 years of business experience of Tvornica duhana Rovinj. While creating a new modern company, they ensured that the company would have the foundations to enter into new and attractive operations, such as tourism. This will allow Adris Group d.d. to maintain the share capital created to date, as well as to ensure its future sustainable growth.
The business strategy of Adris Group- ΛÂto be first, better and differentΛÂ- is the basis on which our mission and vision statements were created: further development of operations and continued expansion on the national and regional markets in order to remain one of the leading regional companies.